🗃️ Projects and Environments
3 items
📄️ Feature Flags
🗃️ Activation Strategies
3 items
📄️ Unleash Context
The Unleash Context contains information relating to the current feature flag request. Unleash uses this context to evaluate activation strategies and strategy constraints and to calculate flag stickiness. The Unleash Context is an important feature of all the Unleash client SDKs.
📄️ Stickiness
Stickiness is how Unleash guarantees that the same user gets the same features every time. Stickiness is useful in any scenario where you want to either show a feature to only a subset of users or give users a variant of a feature.
📄️ Change Requests
Plan 4.19+
🗃️ Access
7 items
🗃️ Testing and Monitoring
3 items
🗃️ Admin UI
7 items
🗃️ Instance Health and Configuration
4 items
📄️ Applications
Version: 5.11+
📄️ Signals
Plan 5.11+ in BETA
📄️ Actions
Plan 5.11+ in BETA